Submission - If you take the initiative, you will go astray; follow & you will find your way. If you rest in correctness & firmness, there will be good fortune. 1st 6, you are treading on hoarfrost. The strong ice will come. 2nd 6, you are straight, square and great. Its operation, without repeated efforts, will be advantageous. 3rd 6, you are keeping your excellence under restraint, but firmly maintain- ing it. 4th 6, shows a sack tied up, no ground for blame or praise. 5th 6, shows the yellow lower garment; great good fortune. 6th 6, shows dragons fighting in the wild, their blood is purple & yellow. A violent struggle with injury to both sides. Returning - There will be free course & progress; friends come to you & no error is committed. In 7 days comes his return. 1st 9, you return from a minor error, there will be good fortune. 2nd 6, shows your admirable return, there will be good fortune. 3rd 6, one has made repeated returns. The position is perilous, but there will be no error. 4th 6, you're moving right in the center, & yet returning alone to your proper path. 5th 6, shows a noble return, no ground for repentance. 6th 6, you've missed the time to make a change for the better. If with your views you put the hosts in motion, the end will be a great defeat, whose issues will extend to the ruler of the state. Group Action - In the case which it supposes, with firmness & correctness, & a leader of age & experience, there will be good fortune & no error. 1st 6, shows the host going forth according to the rules, if the rules are not good, there will be evil. 2nd 9, shows the leader in the midst of the host, good fortune. 3rd 6, shows the host may have inefficient leaders, there will be evil! 4th 6, shows the host in retreat, there will be no error. 5th 6, shows birds in the fields that should be seized & destroyed. In that case there will be no error. 6th 6, shows the great ruler appointing some to be rulers of states, but small men should not be employed in such positions. Advance - There will be great progress & success, while you are firm & correct. In the 8th month there will be evil. 1st 9, shows the subject advancing in company (w/ the 2nd 9). Through his firm correctness there will be good fortune. 2nd 9, shows the subject advancing in company (w/ the 1st 9). Advancing will be in every way advantageous. 3rd 6, shows one well pleased to advance, but whose action will not be ad- vantageous. Anxiety about it is no error! 4th 6, shows one advancing in the highest mode. No error. 5th 6, shows the advance of wisdom, such as befits a great ruler. 6th 6, shows the advance of honesty & generosity. There will be good fortune and no error. Humility - Indicates progress & success. The superior man, being humble, will have a good issue to his undertakings. 1st 6, Show the superior man adding humility to humility, even the great stream may be crossed with this, there will be good fortune. 2nd 6, shows humility that has made itself recognised, good fortune. 3rd 9, shows the superior man of known merit, he will maintain his success to the end, and have good fortune. 4th 6, shows one whose action would be in every way advantageous. 5th 6, shows one who is able to employ his neighbors. 6th 6, shows humility that has made itself recognised. The subject of it will with advantage put his hosts in motion; but he will only punish his own towns and state. Lack of Appreciation - Show your intelligence by keeping it obscured. 1st 9, shows the subject flying with drooping wings. Wherever he goes, the people may speak derisively of him. 2nd 6, shows its subject wounded in the left thigh, he saves himself by the strength of a swift horse & is fortunate. 3rd 9, you are hunting in the south, & taking the great chief of the dark- ness. You should not make all correct at once. 4th 6, shows its subject just entering the dark land. 5th 6, with the firm correctness of the Count of Ki, your light is not quite extinguished. 6th 6, there is no light, only obscurity; you were at the top of the sky, your future is to go into the earth. Rising, Advancing - Seeking by the qualities implied in it to meet with the great man, its subject need have no anxiety. 1st 6, shows its subject advancing upwards with the welcome of those above him. There will be good fortune. 2nd 9, show its subject with that sincerity which will make even small offerings acceptable. There will be no error. 3rd 9, shows its subject ascending upwards as into an empty city. 4th 6, shows its subject employed by the King to present his offerings on mount Khi. There will be good fortune & no mistake. 5th 6, ascend the stairs with all due ceremony. 6th 6, shows its subject advancing upwards blindly. Advantage will be found in a ceaseless maintenance of firm correctness. Success - The little is gone & the great has come. Progress & success! 1st 9, suggests the idea of grass pulled up, & bringing with it other stalks with whose roots it is connected. Advance will be fortunate. 2nd 9, shows one who can bear with the uncultivated, & does not forget his distant relatives, & has no selfish friendships. 3rd 9, there is no going away so that there shall not be a return refers to this as the point where heaven & earth interact (Tao). 4th 6, not relying on his own rich resources, he calls in his neighbors; they come from the sincerity of their own hearts. 5th 6, humbly condesecend to the strong, such a course is good fortune. 6th 6, shows the city wall returned into the moat. It is not time to use the army. You may announce your orders, but have cause for regret! Enthusiasm - In the state which it implies, feudal princes may be set up, & the hosts put in motion with advantage. 1st 6, shows its subject proclaiming his pleasure, there will be evil. 2nd 6, shows one who is firm as a rock, he sees a thing without waiting for it to come to pass. There will be good fortune. 3rd 6, shows one looking up for favors, while indulging feelings of pleasure, if he be late in understanding, he will repent! 4th 9, shows him from whom the harmony comes. Let no suspiscion enter! 5th 6, shows one with a chronic complaint, but who lives on w/o dying. 6th 6, shows its subject with darkened mind devoted to pleasures & satis- factions; if he changes course, even if completed, there will be no error. Unexpected Power - When the time of movement comes, the subject will be found looking in apprehension. 1st 9, when the movement approaches, he looks around with apprehension, & afterwards is smiling & talking cheerfully. Good fortune. 2nd 6, when the movement approaches, he is in a position of peril. He lets go of all things & ascends. In a week he will find all he left. 3rd 6, if the movements excite you to right action, there will be no error. 4th 9, amid the movements he sinks supinely in the mud. 5th 6, going & coming amidst the movements, always in peril, but perhaps with no loss will incur & business will be found. 6th 6, he is amidst the movements, looking around with apprehension. If he take action, there will be evil. Take precautions. Deliverance - If operations be called for, there will be good fortune in the early conducting of them, else go back to the old conditions. 1st 6, shows its subject will commit no error. 2nd 9, shows its subject catch 3 foxes, & obtain the golden arrows. There will be good fortune. 3rd 6, shows a porter riding in a carriage; he will only tempt robbers. 4th 9, to the subject: 'remove your toes!' Friends will then come. 5th 6, shows the subject removing whatever is injurious to the idea of the hexagram, in which case there will be good fortune. 6th 6, we see a feudal prince shooting at a falcon on the top of a high wall & hitting it, this will be advantageous. Marriage - action under these conditions will be evil. 1st 9, shows the younger sister married off in a position below the real wife. It shows a person lame on 1 leg who manages to tramp forward. 2nd 9, shows her blind in 1 eye, yet able to see; maintain firm correctness. 3rd 6, shows the younger sister who was to be married in a mean position. She returns & accepts a subordinate position. 4th 9, shows the younger sister who is to be married off protracting the time. She may be late, but the time will come. 5th 6, the sleeves of the princess were not equal to those of her younger sister who accompanied her in an inferior capacity. 6th 6, shows the young lady carrying an empty basket. There will be no advantage at all. Small Excess - There will be progress & attainment; what the name denotes may be done in small affairs, but not in great ones. 1st 6, suggests a bird ascending till the issue is evil. 2nd 6, shows its subject not attempting anything against his ruler, but meeting him as his minister. There will be no error. 3rd 9, shows its subject taking no precautions against danger; some in power find opportunity to assail & injure him. There will be evil. 4th 9, if you go forward, there will be peril. Be cautious! There is no occasion to be perpetually firm. 5th 6, dense clouds but no rain from the borders in the west. 6th 6, suggests the idea of a bird flying far above his normal height. There will be evil & self-produced injury. Abundance - When a king has reached this point, there is no occasion to be anxious through fear of a change. Let him be as the sun at noon. 1st 9, shows its subject meeting with his mate. Advance will call forth approval, there will be no error. 2nd 6, let him cherish his feeling of sincere devotion that he may move his ruler's mind & there will be good fortune. 3rd 9, shows you with a large, thick banner, through which at midday you can see the Mei star. In the darkness he breaks his arm; but no error. 4th 9, shows its subject in a large thick tent, he meets with the subject of the first line. There will be good fortune. 5th 6, shows its subject sorrounded by brilliant, able men; good fortune! 6th 6, shows a large house with nobody about the door for 3 years; evil! Perserverance - Successful progress & no error; The advantage will come from being firm & correct. Movement in any direction is advantageous. 1st 6, shows its subject desirous of long continuance; there will be evil. 2nd 9, shows all occasion for repentance disappearing. 3rd 9, shows one who doesn't continually maintain his virtue. However firm he may be, there will be ground for regret. 4th 9, shows a field where there is no game. 5th 6, shows its subject continually maintaining his virtue. In a wife this is fortunate; in a husband, evil. 6th 6, shows its subject exciting himself to long continuance. There will be evil. Great Strength - Strength should be held in subordination to the idea of right & exerted only in harmony with it. 1st 9, shows its subject with strength down to his toes, but advance will lead to evil!! 2nd 9, shows that with firm correctness, there is good fortune. 3rd 9, if a ram butts against the fence, his horns might get tangled. 4th 9, we see the fence opened & the horns are not entangled! 5th 6, shows one who loses his ram-like strength in the ease of his position but there will be no occasion for repentance. 6th 6, shows the ram butting against the fence & unable to retreat or ad- vance as he would like; but if he realise the difficulty of his position, there will be good fortune. Union - Let the wise man re-examine himself, whether his virtue be great, relentless and firm. If it be so, there will be no error. 1st 6, shows its subject seeking by his sincerity to win the attachment of his object. There will be no error. 2nd 6, movement towards union & attachment proceeding from the inward mind. 3rd 6, shows the subject seeking for union with inappropriate associates. 4th 6, sees the subject seeking union with one beyond himself, with firm correctness, there will be good fortune. 5th 9, union characterized by mutual confidence & appreciation in virtue & benevolence. 6th 6, sees the subject seeking union & attachment without having taken the first step to such an end; there will be evil. Initial Difficulties - Any advance shouldn't be lightly undertaken. See how a plant struggles with difficulty out of the earth to stand above it. 1st 9, difficulty in advancing. Abide in correctness & firmness. 2nd 6, shows the subject holding firm & waiting for the right offer. 3rd 6, shows the subject getting lost pursuing a goal; better to give up the chase. 4th 6, seek help from a friend; advance will be fortunate. 5th 9, great things shouldn't be attempted; with firmness & correctness, there will be good fortune in small things only. 6th 6, shows its subject with the horses of his chariot obliged to retreat, & weeping tears of blood in streams. Sinking, Abyss - Action in accordance with sincerity, through which the mind is penetrating, will be of high value. 1st 6, shows its subject in a deep pit, & yet descending, there will be evil. 2nd 9, shows the subject in peril. He will get a little deliverance. 3rd 6, all is peril & unrest; all endeavours will lead into the pit. There should be no action in such a case. 4th 6, an unostentatious, sincere feast wins over the ruler's favor. 5th 9, the waters of the pit are about ready to flow away; order will soon be brought about. There will be no error. 6th 6, shows its subject bound with cords of 3 or 2 strands & placed in the thicket of thorns. But in 3 years he does not learn the course for him to pursue. There will be evil. Regulations - The wise man constructs his methods of numbering & measurement, & discusses points of virtue & conduct. 1st 9, shows its subject not leaving the courtyard outside his door. There will be no error. 2nd 9, if the subject does nothing, there will be evil. 3rd 6, no appearance of observing the proper rules, there will be error! 4th 6, shows its subject attentive to all regulations, there will be pro- gress & success. 5th 9, the onward progress of his enacted rules will afford ground for admiration. 6th 6, you enact regulations severe & difficult, even with firmness & cor- rectness, there will be cause for repentance, disappearing by & by! Difficulties - It will be advantageous to meet with the great man; with firmness & correctness, there will be good fortune. 1st 6, advance will lead to greater difficulties, while remaining still will afford ground for praise. 2nd 6, the minister of the king struggles with difficulty on difficulty. 3rd 9, you advance only to greater difficulties. Remain stationary & return to your former associates. 4th 6, you advance into greater difficulties, remain still & unite w/ 3rd 9. 5th 9, still struggling with the greatest difficulties, friends come to help. 6th 6, going forward will only increase the difficulties, being still will be of great merit. There will be good fortune & it will be advan- tageous to meet with the great man. Accomplishment - progress & success in small matters. Good fortune in the beginning, there may be disorder in the end. 1st 9, shows its subject as a driver who drags back his wheel, or as a fox which has wet his tail. There will be no error. 2nd 6, shows its subject as a wife who has lost her carriage screen. In a week she will find it. 3rd 9, shows a difficult & long-term task. Small men should not be employed. 4th 6, shows you prepared for small problems & on your guard all day long. 5th 9, shows a neighbor's ostentatious sacrifice, not being equal to another's whose sincerity receives the blessing. 6th 6, shows its subject with even his head immersed. The position is perilous! Source - the water of a well never disappears & never receives any great increase; those who come & go can draw & enjoy the benefit. If before you reach the water, the bucket is broke, there is evil. 1st 6, shows a well so muddy that men will not drink of it; or an old well which neither the birds or other creatures will not use. 2nd 9, shows a well with a hole from which the water escapes & flows away. 3rd 9, shows a well which has been cleared out, but is not used. If the king were only intelligent, he & we might receive the benefit of it. 4th 6, shows a well with a well-built lining. There will be no error. 5th 9, shows a clear & cold well from whose waters we freely drink! 6th 6, shows water from the well brought to the top & is not allowed to be covered. This suggests sincerity. There will be great good fortune. Waiting - with the sincerity declared in it, there will be brilliant success. It will be advantageous to cross the great stream. 1st 9, shows its subject waiting on a distant border; maintain your purpose constantly! 2nd 9, shows its subject waiting on a stream beach. You will suffer the small injury of being spoken against. 3rd 9, shows you in the stream mud, thereby inviting the approach of injury. 4th 6, shows you waiting in the pit, but you will emerge from it. 5th 9, shows you waiting amidst the trappings of a feast. Through firmness & correctness, there will be good fortune. 6th 6, shows you in the pit, 3 guests are coming to help. Be respectful, & there will be good fortune. Assembling - the king will repair to his ancestral temple. In whatever dir- ection you move, it will be advantageous. 1st 6, you desire union but are unable to carry it out, disorder is come. 2nd 6, you are led forward, there will be good fortune & no error. There is entire sincerity & even small offerings are acceptable. 3rd 6, you strive after union & nowhere find any advantage. If you go for- ward, you will not err, but there might be small regrets. 4th 9, you are in such a state - if you're lucky, you'll receive no blame! 5th 9, shows the union of all under its subject in the place of dignity. If none have confidence in you, let them see it to be long & continuing, & all occasion for repentance will disappear. 6th 6, shows you sighing & weeping; there will be no error. Adapting - if you are adaptable, there will be progress & success. It will be advantageous to be firm & correct. 1st 9, shows changing the object of pursuit; there is good fortune in being firm & correct. 2nd 6, shows trying someone new & letting go of one of age & experience. 3rd 6, shows letting go of someone new & trying one of age & experience. Such following will get what it seeks, be firm & correct. 4th 9, shows us one with disciples; though he be firm & correct, there will be evil. Be sincere & make it evident, there will be no error! 5th 9, shows the ruler sincere in fostering all that is excellent. 6th 6, shows us sincerity firmly held onto & bound fast. The king presents his offerings on the western mountain. Adversity - in adversity there may yet be progress & success. If you make speeches, your word cannot be made good. 1st 6, a trap of your own making is sprung. For 3 years there is no prospect of deliverance. 2nd 9, Active operations will lead to evil but you will be free from blame. 3rd 6, you lay hold of thorns; you enter the palace & do not see your wife. There will be evil. 4th 9, shows you proceeding very slowly to undo the trap. There is occasion for regret, but the end will be good. 5th 9, shows your nose & feet cut off. You are leisurely & satisfied. 6th 6, if you repent of former errors, there will be good fortune in going forward. Joy, Pleasure - with encouragement, there will be progress & attainment, but it will be advantageous to be firm & correct. Don't over- do it! 1st 9, shows the pleasure of inward harmony. There will be good fortune. 2nd 9, shows the pleasure of inward sincerity. There will be good fortune. Occasion for repentance will disappear. 3rd 6, shows you bringing round yourself whatever will bring pleasure, there will be evil. 4th 9, shows thinking about what to seek pleasure in & not at rest. You border on injury, but there will be cause for joy. 5th 9, shows trust in one who would injure you. The situation is perilous! 6th 6, shows the pleasure of its subject in leading & attracting others. Attraction - with fulfillment of attraction, there will be free course & success. Be firm & correct as in marrying a young lady. 1st 6, shows one moving his great toes. More must be done to realize it. 2nd 6, shows one moving the calves of his leg. There will be evil. Avoid action till you wake up to what is going on. 3rd 9, shows one moving his thighs & keeping close hold on self-control. 4th 9, if you're unsettled in your movements, only friends will follow you. Do not become calculating or manipulative. 5th 9, shows one moving the flesh along the spine above the heart. There will be no occasion for repentance. Look within. 6th 6, shows one moving his jaws & tongue. Ideas mean little until executed. What are you doing about it? Changing - the change is believed in only after it has happened. Advantage will come from being firm & correct. 1st 9, shows the subject as if bound with the skin of a yellow ox. 2nd 6, shows you making changes after some time has passed. 3rd 9, if the change has been 3 times discussed, you will be believed in. 4th 9, shows occasion for repentance disappearing with the change. Though you change existing rules, there will be good fortune. 5th 9, shows the great man changing as a tiger changes his stripes. Before he proceeds, faith has been reposed in him. 6th 6, shows the superior man changing as a leopard changes his spots, while small men chagne their faces. To go forward would lead to evil, but there will be good fortune in abiding firm & correct. Large Excess - your environment is becoming the meeting ground for many of the major circumstances affecting you. Movement in any direction will be advantageous. 1st 6, shows mats being placed under things set on the ground. No error. 2nd 9, shows a decayed willow producing shoots, or an old husband in pos- session of his young wife. Advantage in every way. 3rd 9, shows a beam that is weak; there will be evil. 4th 9, shows a beam curving upwards; the mats are your only help. 5th 9, shows a decayed willow producing flowers or an old wife in possession of a young husband. There will be neither blame or praise. 6th 6, shows you wading through a stream, till the water hides the crown of your head. There will be evil, but no ground for blame. Resolution - the exhibition of the culprit's guilt in the royal court will eradicate him. Do it with no thought of retreat. 1st 9, shows you advancing, using the pride of strength, with your toes. He goes forward but not to success! There will be ground for blame. 2nd 9, shows you full of apprehension & appealing for help. 3rd 9, the battle is yours alone; it looks bad & you're misunderstood but you remain without error in the end. 4th 9, shows one from whose buttocks the skin has been stripped; if you would submit to difficult times & allow others to lead, the prob- lem would resolve itself. 5th 9, uproot the evil with utmost determination, be thorough. 6th 6, shows you without any helpers on which to call. There will be evil. Deterioration - with deterioration, it will not be advantageous to move in any direction whatever. 1st 6, shows one overturning the couch by injuring its legs, this will destroy all firm correctness & there will be evil. 2nd 6, shows one overthrowing the couch by injuring its frame. Even worse! 3rd 6, shows its subject among the overthrowers; but there is no error. 4th 6, shows the couch overthrown & attempting to injure the one that lies on it. There will be evil. 5th 6, shows one leading others like a string of fishes & obtaining favor for them; there will be advantage in every way. 6th 9, shows one as a great fruit that has not ben eaten. The superior man finds the people are as a chariot carrying him. Nourishment - we must look at what we are seeking to nourish & think of the proper food. With firm correctness there will be good fortune. 1st 9, shows one envious of others prosperity; there will be evil. 2nd 6, shows one looking the wrong way for nourishment; there will be evil. 3rd 6, shows one turning away from those that can help obtain nourishment; however firm you may be, there will be evil. 4th 6, shows one helping others to nourishment. There will be good fortune. 5th 6, shows one acting contrary to what is proper; but if he abide in firm- ness, there will be good fortune. 6th 9, shows one the source of nourishment. The position is perilous, but there will be good fortune. It will be advantageous to cross the great stream. Inexperience - I do not seek the youthful & inexperienced; when they show sincerity marking the 1st recourse to divination, I instruct. For a 2nd or 3rd inquiry I avoid these troublemakers! 1st 6, shows the dispelling of ignorance; remove the shackles from the mind. Some discipline is necessary, but don't restrict creativity! 2nd 9, shows exercising forbearance with the ignorant. He may be described as a son able to sustain his family. Good fortune. 3rd 6, a foolish woman throws herself away at fervent desire. No advantage. 4th 6, shows one bound in chains of ignorance. Occasion for regret. 5th 6, shows a simple lad without experience. There will be good fortune. 6th 9, shows one smiting the ignorant youth; no advantage will come from injuring him. Advantage will come from avoiding his blows. Decrease - with decrease, if there be sincerity, there will be great good fortune: freedom from error & maintainable firmness & correctness. 1st 9, shows one suspending his own affairs to aid the 4th line. Consider how far you should contribute what is yours. 2nd 9, you can give increase without taking from yourself. Avoid action! 3rd 6, shows 3 men walking; one leaves & finds his friend. 4th 6, shows one making the 1st line hasten to his aid & make him glad. There will be no error. 5th 6, shows others adding 10 pairs of shells & accepting no refusal. There will be great good fortune. 6th 9, shows one giving increase to others without taking from himself. He will find ministers more than can be counted by their clans. Meditation - when one loses all consciousness of self & walks in his court- yard & does not see anyone, there will be no error. 1st 6, shows one keeping his toes at rest. There will be no error but be persistently firm & correct. 2nd 6, shows one keeping his calves at rest. He cannot help the 1st line & is dissatisfied in his mind. 3rd 9, shows one keeping his loins at rest, but the heart glows with sup- pressed excitement. The situation is perilous. 4th 6, shows one keeping his trunk at rest. There will be no error. 5th 6, shows one's jawbone at rest, so his words are carefully chosen. 6th 9, shows one devotedly maintaining restfulness. There will be good fortune. Grace - there should be free course in model behavior. There is little ad- vantage if grace be allowed to advance & take the lead. 1st 9, shows one relying on his own worth; he can discard the carriage & walk! 2nd 6, shows one adorning his beard; what the vessel contains is more important! 3rd 9, shows one with the appearance of being adorned. Let him ever maintain firm correctness & there will be good fortune. 4th 6, shows one looking as if adorned, or taking the path of simplicity. 5th 6, shows one adorned by those of higher station. Your gift though small & slight, if given with sincerity, will lead to good fortune. 6th 9, shows one with white as his only adornment. Simplicity & sincerity leads to no error. Repairs - great progress & success repairing the conditions of decay. Think for 3 days before the turning point & 3 days after it. 1st 6, shows a son dealing with the troubles caused by his father. If he be able, the father will escape the blame of error. The position is perilous, but there will be good fortune in the end. 2nd 9, shows a son dealing with troubles caused by his mother. He should not carry firm correctness to the utmost (be sensitive!). 3rd 9, shows a small occasion for repentance, but not any great error. 4th 6, shows a son viewing indulgently these troubles. Change your attitiude. 5th 6, shows a son dealing with these troubles, he obtains praise for it. 6th 9, shows one who serves neither king nor feudal lord, but in a lofty spirit attends to his own affairs. Potential Energy - if you do not seek your own aggrandizement, there will be good fortune. It is advantageous to cross the great stream. 1st 9, shows one in peril, it is advantageous to stop your advance. 2nd 9, shows a carriage with the strap under it removed. You are held back by forces beyond your reach. 3rd 9, shows one urging his way with good horses. Remember your problems! There is advantage in whatever direction you take. 4th 6, shows one as a bull proceeding - even with the wood on his horns! 5th 6, shows one with the teeth of a castrated hog, leading the hog to & fro in a circular fashion. 6th 9, shows one in command of the firmament of heaven. There is progress. Progress - we see a prince securing the peace of the people & presented on that account with numerous horses by the king. 1st 6, shows one wishing to advance & being kept back. If there is no trust in him, let him maintain a generous mind & there will be no error. 2nd 6, shows one with the appearance of advancing, yet sorrowful. If he be firm & correct, there will be good fortune. 3rd 6, shows one trusted by all around him. Occasion for repentance is gone. 4th 9, shows one advancing with the aid of inferior persons. There is peril! 5th 6, all occasion for repentance disappears; let not concern of failure or success deter you. To advance will be fortunate. 6th 9, shows one advancing his horns to punish the rebellious people of his own city. There will be occasion for regret. Reform - indicates successful progress in reform. It will be advantageous to use legal constraints. 1st 9, shows one with his feet in the stocks with no toes. No error. 2nd 6, shows one biting thru the soft flesh & biting off the nose. No error. 3rd 6, shows one gnawing dried flesh & meeting something disagreeable. There will be occasion for small regret, but no great error. 4th 9, shows one gnawing flesh dried on the bone but getting pledges of money & arrows; remember the difficulty of the task & be firm! 5th 6, shows one gnawing dried flesh & finding gold. Be firm & correct, realising the peril of the position, there will be no error. 6th 9, shows one persisting in wrong & deprived of his ears. There will be evil! Before The End - accomplishment of a goal is in sight. Beware of the dangers still to come Before The End! 1st 6, shows a fox whose tail gets immersed. Occasion for regret. 2nd 9, shows one dragging back his carriage wheel. For good fortune, be firm. 3rd 6, shows the state of things not yet remedied. Advancing will be evil. 4th 9, let him stir himself up, as if he were invading the Demon region, where for 3 years rewards will come to him. 5th 6, shows one obtaining good fortune by firmness & correctness. We see the brightness of a superior man & the possession of sincerity. 6th 9, shows one full of confidence & feasting quietly. If he cherish this confidence, till he is like the fox who gets his head immersed, it will fail of what is right. Opposition - even with opposition, small matters will have good success. 1st 9, shows he has lost his horses; they will return of themselves. 2nd 9, shows one happening to meet with his lord in a bye-passage. No error. 3rd 6, shows one whose carriage is dragged back, the oxen are pushed back & he is subjected to the shaving of his head & getting his nose cut off. No good beginning but there will be a good end. 4th 9, shows one alone amidst the disunion. He meets with a good man & they blend their sincere desires together. There will be no mistake. 5th 6, he unites with his minister as if he were biting thru a piece of skin. 6th 9, shows one alone amidst the disunion. Mistrust & misunderstanding have caused loss of all perspective. He sees the mistakes; there is good fortune. Traveling - there may be some little attainment & progress. If the traveler be firm & correct, there will be good fortune. 1st 6, shows a stranger mean & meanly occupied. He brings further calamity onto himself! 2nd 6, shows a stranger occupying an hotel, carrying his trade tools & provided with good & trusty servants.. 3rd 9, shows a stranger burning the hotel & losing his servants. However firm & correct he may be, he will be in peril. 4th 9, shows a traveler in a resting place with his trade tools & uneasy mind. 5th 6, shows one shooting a pheasant, losing the arrow but obtaining praise. 6th 9, shows a bird burning its nest; the stranger 1st laughs then cries out. He loses his docility too easily. There will be evil. Synergy - let one nourish a docility like that of the cow & there will be good fortune. It will be advantageous to be firm & correct. 1st 9, shows one ready to move with confused steps; he treads reverently & there will be no mistake. 2nd 6, shows one in his place of moderation. There will be good fortune. 3rd 9, one in a declining sun position, unaccepting of his fate. There will be evil. 4th 9, shows one with too much enthusiasm, it will be rejected by all! 5th 6, shows a heart changing from happiness to sad with tears flowing. There will be good fortune. 6th 9, shows the king employing you in punitive expeditions. Achieving merit, he breaks only the rebel chiefs. Others he does not punish. No Error. Cosmic Order - with harmony to the Cosmic Order, there is great progress & success. 1st 6, shows a cauldron turned upside down, emptying what was bad in it. 2nd 9, shows a cauldron with things to be cooked in it. 3rd 9, shows a cauldron with its ears changed, but a genial rain will come & grounds for repentance will disappear. Good fortune in the end. 4th 9, shows a cauldron with broken feet & contents overturned & spilt. Going forth with your plans will invite disaster! 5th 6, shows a cauldron with yellow ears & metal earrings. There is ad- vatage in firmness & correctness. 6th 9, shows a cauldron with rings of jade. Great good fortune & all action taken will be advatageous. Abundance - because of good fortune, you will meet with great success. Seldom are you to receive as much. 1st 9, shows no injurious approach. Realize the difficulty of the position & there will be no error. 2nd 9, shows a large wagon with its load, advance in any direction is no error. 3rd 9, shows a feudal prince presenting his offerings to the Son of Heaven. A small man would be unequal to the task. 4th 9, shows one keeping great resources under restraint. No error. 5th 6, shows sincerity reciprocated by that of all the other lines. Let him display a proper majesty & there will be good fortune. 6th 9, shows one with help accorded to him from Heaven. Good fortune. Advantage in every respect. Contemplating - the worshipper who has washed his hands, has not yet presented his offerings; there is sincerity & an appearance of dignity. 1st 6, shows the face of a lad, a matter of regreat in superior men. 2nd 6, shows one peeping out from a door. It would be advantageous if it were merely the firm correctness of a female. 3rd 6, shows one looking at the course of his own life, either to advance or recede, as appropriate. 4th 6, shows one contemplating the glory of the kingdom; seek to be the king's guest; this is advantageous. 5th 9, shows one contemplating his own life course, superior men will not err. 6th 9, shows one contemplating his character to see if indeed it be that of a superior man. He will not fall into error. Increase - there is advantage in every movement undertaken; it will be ad- vantageous to cross the great stream. 1st 9, shows advantage in making a great movement. If it be greatly fortunate, no blame will be imputed to him. 2nd 6, shows others bringing oracles which cannot be opposed; with firmness & correctness, let the king present his offerings to God for good fortune. 3rd 6, shows increase given by evil means leading to good & blamelessness. 4th 6, shows one pursuing the due course. His advice to the prince is fol- lowed; he can be relied on in such a movement as removing the capital. 5th 9, shows a sincere heart seeking to benefit those below. Good fortune. 6th 9, shows one with no contributions from others; no regular rule in the ordering of his heart. There will be evil. Reuniting - the king goes to his ancestral temple; it will be advantageous to cross the great stream & to be firm & correct. 1st 6, shows one engaged in rescuing from the impending evil & using a strong horse. There will be good fortune. 2nd 9, shows one hurrying to his closet for security. All occasion for re- pentance will disappear. 3rd 6, shows one discarding any regard for his own person. No repentance. 4th 6, shows one scattering the others in the state. From the dispersion, he collects good men standing out in the crowd. 5th 9, shows one amidst the dispersion issuing his great announcements. 6th 9, shows one disposing of its bloody wounds, & separating himself from its anxious fears; there will be no error. Insight - moves even pigs & fish & leads to good fortune; there will be ad- vantage in crossing the great stream. 1st 9, shows one resting in himself. If he sought another, there is no rest! 2nd 9, shows a crane crying out from hiding & young ones responding to her. 'I have a cup of good spirits': 'we shall partake with you!'. 3rd 6, shows one meeting with his mate; now he weeps, now he sings, now he beats the drum & now he leaves off. 4th 6, shows one looking at the moon nearly full. There will be no error. 5th 9, shows one perfectly sincere & linking others to him in closest union. There will be no error. 6th 9, shows one as a rooster trying to mount to heaven. Even with firm correctness, there will be evil. Developing - suggests the marriage of a young lady & the good fortune from it. There will be advantage in being firm & correct. 1st 6, shows wild geese approaching the shore. A young officer in similar times is in danger & will be spoken against, but there will be no error. 2nd 6, shows the geese gradually approaching the rocks, feasting joyously. 3rd 9, shows them advanced to the dry plains; like a wife who is pregnant, but will not nourish her child. There will be evil. 4th 6, shows the geese advanced to the trees; they light on the flat branches. 5th 9, shows the geese advanced to the high mound; like a wife who for 3 years cannot conceive. In the end the natural issue cannot be prevented. 6th 9, shows the geese advanced to the great heights; their feathers can be used as ornaments. There will be good fortune. Family - for the regulation of the family, it is most advantageous that the wife be firm & correct. 1st 9, shows the establishment of restrictive rules in the house. Occasion for repentance will disappear. 2nd 6, shows one taking nothing on herself, but in her place preparing food. Through her firm correctness there will be good fortune. 3rd 9, shows one treating the household with stern severity; if the wife & children be smirking & chattering, there would be occasion for regret. 4th 6, shows one enriching the family. There will be great good fortune. 5th 9, shows the king's influence extending to his family. No need for anxiety; there will be good fortune. 6th 9, shows one possessed of sincerity & arrayed in majesty. Good fortune! Mildness - there will some gain & progress - advantage in movement onward in any direction. It will be advantageous to see the great man. 1st 6, shows one advancing, now receding. It is advantageous to have the firm correctness of a brave soldier. 2nd 9, shows mildness beneath a couch, employing diviners bordering on con- fusion. There will be good fortune & no error. 3rd 9, shows one punching through numerous times; occasion for regret! 4th 6, shows occasion for repentance passed away. 5th 9, shows no good beginning, but a good end. 3 days before making any changes, let him give notice of them & reconsider them 3 days after. 6th 9, shows mildness beneath a couch, having lost the axe which executed his decisions. There will be evil. Taming Force - we see dense clouds, but no rain coming from the western border. Grand schemes are not to be attempted. 1st 9, shows one returning & pursuing his own course. What mistake should he fall into? There will be good fortune. 2nd 9, shows one again drawn to his proper course. There will be good fortune. 3rd 9, shows a carriage with the strap beneath it removed. 4th 6, shows sincerity averting bloodshed & dismissing apprehension. 5th 9, shows sincereness & drawing others to unite. Rich in resources, he employs his neighbors in the same cause. 6th 9, shows how the rain has fallen & onward progress is stayed - so we must value the entire virtue accumulated. If the superior man prosecute further, there will be evil. Stagnation - there is a lack of understanding between the classes, its presence is unfavorable to the firm & correct course of the superior man. 1st 6, shows grass pulled up, bringing other stalks with it. With firm cor- rectness, there will be good fortune & progress. 2nd 6, shows one patient & obedient. If the great man act as the situation requires, he will have success. 3rd 6, shows one ashamed of his inner purpose. 4th 9, shows one acting in accordance with divine heaven & committing no er- ror, his companions will come & share his happiness. 5th 9, shows him who brings the distress & obstruction to a close. 6th 9, shows the overthrow & removal of the distress & obstruction, here- after there will be joy! Innocence - if you be not correct, you will fall into errors & it will not be advantageous to move in any direction. 1st 9, shows one free from all insincerity. His advance has good fortune. 2nd 6, shows one who reaps without having plowed. To such a one there will be advantage in whatever direction he moves. 3rd 6, shows bad luck happening to one who is free from insincerity. A thief takes the ox & the neighbors are accused & apprehended. 4th 9, shows if one remains firm & correct, he may avoid error. 5th 9, shows one free from insincerity yet falling ill. He takes no medi- cine & has occasion for joy. 6th 9, shows one free from insincerity, yet sure to fall into error, if he takes action; there is no advantage in this. Conflict - though there is sincerity, you meet with opposition & obstacles. If you value caution, there will be good fortune. 1st 6, shows one not pushing forward. He is spoken against but is fortunate. 2nd 9, shows one unequal to the conflict. He retreats & makes no mistake. 3rd 6, shows one keeping the old place assigned for his support. Should he by chance engage in the king's business, he will receive nothing. 4th 9, shows one unequal to the conflict. He returns to the study of divine law, changes his wish to fight & rests in being firm & correct. There will be good fortune. 5th 9, shows one defeating the conflict & with great good fortune. 6th 9, shows one victorious, yet fighting others that challenge him. Thus he wishes for the past to be restored! Deliberate Action - one treads on the tail of a tiger which does not bite him. There will be progress & success. 1st 9, shows one treading his accustomed path. Going forward is no error. 2nd 9, shows one treading a level & easy path. A quiet & solitary man, if firm & correct, will have good fortune. 3rd 6, shows a 1-eyed man who thinks he can see, one who treads on the tiger's tail & is bitten. A mere actor trying the part of a great ruler! 4th 9, shows one treading on the tail of a tiger with apprehension & caution. In the end there will be good fortune. 5th 9, shows a resolute tread. Though you be firm & correct, there is peril! 6th 9, tells us to look at the path that has been trodden. If it be complete & without failure, there will be good fortune. Retreat - to Retreat at the proper moment is the best course of action. To a small extent, it will still be advantageous to be firm & correct. 1st 6, shows a retiring tail. The position is perilous. No movement please! 2nd 6, shows one holding his purpose fast by a thong of yellow ox-hide, which cannot be broken. 3rd 9, shows one retiring, yet bound! If he would treat the binders as if feeding a servant, it would be fortunate for him. 4th 9, shows one retiring willingly; this will lead to good fortune. 5th 9, shows one retiring in an admirable way. With firm correctness, there will be good fortune. 6th 9, shows one retiring in a noble way. It will be advantageous in every respect. Community - the kingdom is happy when the baker bakes & the ferryman rows his craft. It will be advantageous to cross the great stream. 1st 9, shows the feudal lord just issuing from his gate. There is no error. 2nd 6, shows the feudal lord in relation to his kin. There will be occasion for regret. 3rd 9, one with his arms hidden in thick grass. For 3 years he does nothing. 4th 9, shows one mounted on the city wall; he does not proceed to make the attack he thinks of. There will be good frotune. 5th 9, shows the feudal lord wailing & crying, then laughing. His army con- quers & he meets his kin. 6th 9, shows the feudal lord in a small community. There will be no occasion for repentance. Temptation - shows a female, bold & strong; it is not good to marry such a woman. Prevent the temptation from gaining influence. 1st 6, shows one kept like a carriage tied to a metal drag. With firm cor- rectness, there will be good fortune. Movement invites evil! 2nd 9, shows one with a basket of fish. It is meet to keep them covered! 3rd 9, shows one whose skin is gone from the buttocks. The position is per- ilous, but there will be no great error. 4th 9, shows one with an empty basket; others avoid him & the evil. 5th 9, shows a tree overspreading a gourd beneath it. Hide your compass! A good issue will descend as if from heaven. 6th 9, shows one receiving others on his horns. There is occasion for regret, but there will be no error. Creative Power - represents what is great & originating, penetrating, advan- tageous, correct & firm! 1st 9, shows a dragon lying hidden & asleep. The time is not yet ripe! 2nd 9, shows a dragon appearing in the field. Time to meet the great man. 3rd 9, shows the superior man active & vigilant all day. In the evening he is still careful. It is a dangerous position, with no mistake. 4th 9, shows a dragon as if he were leaping up, but still in the deep. 5th 9, shows a dragon on the wing in the sky. Time to meet the great man! 6th 9, shows a dragon exceeding its proper limits. There will be occasion for repentance. If the host of dragons were to divest themselves of their heads, there would be good fortune. (see the second hexagram, the K'un hexagram - Submission!)